SEO Techniques – How to Rank Higher in upcoming years


Google is continuously changing its search algorithms and effecting SEO techniques. To work according to these algorithms is essential for SEOs. As we know that Google has fully rolled out its Penguin algorithm which is running in real time, so it’s important for a website to have quality links. Following are the old SEO techniques you should be avoiding in upcoming years.

1. Anchor Texting:

As we all know that Google rolled down penguin algorithm first time in 2012, so using exact anchor text keyword in SEO has no longer useful. Search engines may penalize the site, so to get better ranking and positioning, you need to stop this SEO technique.

2. Unfriendly mobile design

In 2016 or little earlier so, Google has started giving priority to the mobile friendly or responsive websites and is a major SEO ranking factor in this year. So, one should have the well designed responsive website to perform better. For now you need to optimize your website in a way that is useful to mobile users. By doing this you can get better ranking, queries and user experience.

3. Poor & Low Quality Content

Poor and low quality content is a part of the Google Panda update. The website and pages with low quality content are of no value and play an important role in Google’s ranking. Fresh, unique and quality content is one of the major factors that affect your SEO ranking. Now, you need to do more work and make your content more rich snippet to rank better.

4. Poor or bad user experience

How your website is performing and the experience that users have when they visit your website is one of the major factors to rank better as Google takes it into consideration. As search engine continues analyzing how users are interacting with your website and how long they are on your website, so depending upon the requirement one should try to make their website interactive and well navigational.

5. Bad & Unwanted Links

By, getting bad, paid, unnatural and irrelevant links for your website, you are not helping your website in any way and penguin running in real time can affect your website in a negative way.

So better to be genuine and do the quality work, that matter the most. You should stay tuned for SEO updates and should follow the Google guidelines.