How to Increase Backlinks in Reddit?


Reddit is one of the most popular social bookmarking site helps to increase traffic on website. One can get links from this site easily and can improve website’s visibility in search engines. To get quality backlinks from reddit share valuable content, blogs, infographics and other useful or relevant content to your site as google judge quality content and crawls it quickly.

Step 1. First go to reddit and log in your account. If you don’t have logins register it by clicking on sign up at top extreme right.
(Reddit – > Login/ Sign up)

Step 1

Step 2. After login or sign up click on submit a new link if you want to share something, or you can also click on submit a new text post if you want to share a text post.
(Login/Signup -> Submit a new link/ Submit a new text post)

Step 2

Step 3. After choosing a submit a new link 3 options will appear on the screen url, title and subreddit. So, enter a website url, choose an appropriate title and relevant subreddit.
(Submit a new link -> url-> title -> subreddit)

Step 3

Step 4. Check your content properly and enter a captcha then submit it. (Captcha -> Submit)